Saturday, 2 May 2009


Well, there goes my plan to be out and running again by the end of the week, picked up a cold yesterday which has knocked me out, was feeling great all week. a bit tired, but no major stiffness or problems, and yesterday woke up feeling crappy, mad sneezing, sore throat, sore eyes and even today, my neck and back hurts and I am exhausted from being up during the night due to a blocked nose which made it hard for me to breathe, and after sleeping during so much during the day, I could for love nor money get back to sleep!

Oh well it was bound to happen after pushing myself to the limit, no harm done, I will just use the weekend to recover then get back on track next week, I have the Wokingham half marathon to train for which is on the 24th May, I know I'm a nutter but like I keep saying the marathon was the beginning not the end of my journey, I still got at least another stone and a half to lose, and time now to work on speed, I was getting stronger and stronger by the end of my training and I am ready to start doing some speed work and pushing my times. With 4 half marathons, a sprinkling of 10k's 5k's and a 16 ,miler spread out till the end of the year, I need to be up and training again soon.

Hopefully I will be back on the road next week, I won't run if I don't feel up for it, just like when I was training for the London Marathon I know it is important for me to listen to my body,even if my mind is telling me to run, run,run. The Wokingham half was meant to be held back in February but was cancelled due to the spell of bad weather we had, it was rescheduled so to be honest I had no intention of running a half marathon again so soon after the marathon and can only go on how I feel I am 90 percent sure I am up for it or I was before this cold hit me, fingers crossed it does not take too much from me and I can be back on track again very soon.

Below is a list of my races.

Wokingham half marathon: Sunday 24th May
Race for life, London: SUNDAY 31ST May
African Caribbean leukaemia trust Marrow-thon: 10k Sunday 6th June
Race For Life:10k Blackheath Sunday 5th JULY
Down tow, up flow, Thames tow path, half marathon Sunday 26th July
Hackney Marshes Half marathon Sunday 23rd August
Adidas womens 5k challenge, Sunday 6th September
GREAT NORTH RUN Sunday 20th September
Running 4 women, windsor 8k Saturday 26th September
Kingston Human race: 16 miles Sunday 11th October

Yes it is a lot of races but I am on a mission now, given up the gym membership, the other half bought me a set of weights, and he has an exercise bike, I'll pop into my local leisure centre when and if I need to to take a yoga or pilates class, but from now on it's me an the road 4 times a week, if I can train through one of the coldest winters in years I feel confident that running is now a serious part of my life and not a passing fad, it is not something new, I have dipped in and out of running for at least 5 years but have never taken it very seriously. well I'm serious now, and hopefully it will help me to lose the rest of the weight I am trying to shift.

I now value my health so much more than I ever have living with my sister Emma for the last 6 years, it does niether of us any good if I am unhealthy and over-weight, caring for her and witnessing first hand her deterioration and everyday struggles just to walk, I shall now run for the two of us, and for brother Dan that's three so that is a lot of running I have to so, but I do it with joy and a love of life and greatfulness that I can, walk, run, shuffle and sometimes even fly,muscular dystrophy has not destroyed my family only changed what it could've been,I run in defiance of that.

Thats me for now the computer is starting to hurt my eyes and I need some more rest.

nuff love


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